

& expansion

Meet your new

customers in LATAM

There’s a Mexico-sized market that you’re not reaching. We help you accept payments directly from Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panamá, El Salvador.

There are 135M Consumers across these 7 countries, and only 30% can pay via cards. Payválida helps you reach the other 95M Consumers.

We’ve been partnering with the leading

gaming and payments providers

accept local pay-ins for 12 years.

Payment methods
+ 0
Potential customers
+ 0 M


Payment processors


In LatAm, cash is still king

Cash payments are key to reaching LATAM customers.

70% don’t have access to pay with credit cards.

We are the only payment API that directly integrates with the largest store networks like Efecty in Colombia, BCP and Yape in Perú, Western Union and Pichincha in Ecuador, Sinpe Móvil in Costa Rica, and Super24 in Guatemala.

Additional features:

We also power cash payouts using
Efecty’s network.

Our same integration supports local credit cards and bank payments.

Your customers can load funds into their Payválida Wallet to make future
transactions faster.

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